Happy Holidays

It's that time of year again where we check ourselves to see how good we've been and if we deserve good things in return.

Well, for all of you that have been kinda good, I offer this song to you and yours.

Another Christmas classic can be found
here for your reviewing pleasure, but I already got my girlfriend that last year, so I'll have to figure out a different present this year...

Have a Merry Christmas.


Sex Ed

I know we all want to bring something creative (but still pleasurable) to the bedroom when we are driven to act on our carnal impulses.

You can't just try something new and hope it feels good - well, I guess you can if you have a very ambitious partner with you - then film it and put whatever the reaction is online (note: bad reactions will probably get more attention).

This listing should help you out with some tried and tested positions.

It is not in anyway a complete listing, but you should try these at least once before looking for more adventerous options.

Shout outs to the Shoulder Holder.

Ever Wanted To Save A Princess?

This post is mostly for my brothers, wh0, like me, have an unhealthy addiction to video games and get nostalgic over some of them.

You can't really save a princess (there are too few of them left, and most of them have bodyguards to keep you from getting close to them), but you can act like a hero that did save a princess.
The iPhone has a kick-ass app that lets you play an Orcarina until you are blue in the face - trust me, this is freakin' awesome. Check out this dude playing the theme song from Zelda, or try it yourself and see if you can get the Orcarina to whisk you away to another world on the back of a tornado.

In This Life, You Have To Keep Your Head Up

So often things are moving so fast that we can lose sight of our goals, lose our direction, lose our focus if we don't remove ourselves from the minutia around us and look at the bigger picture.

Take this guy for example, he could have become a big time news reporter - heck, even the future anchor to a major network news channel.

He can kiss that dream, and his long-term memory goodbye.

So, like all good pee wee hockey coaches will tell you - keep your head up.

Polish Jokes Will Continue To Flourish

This incident about a guy who drives into a lake because his GPS said so is why Polish jokes are so funny, because they are often true.

Who would ignore road signs and drive into a lake?

Wait, that wasn't a Polish joke, but I think you know what the answer is.

Polish people have given us so many wonderful things - Polish women, Polish sausage... ok, maybe just 2 wonderful things, but is that any reason to laugh at their expense?

We've tried to stop telling jokes that shine Polish people as dumb, slow, or naive - but they keep giving us good reason to do so.

Smokey the Bear

I think we all knew of someone who got their dog high while partying with their buddies, and in that "elevated state of mind" laughed their bag off watching the dog run for food and water as much as we ran for munchies.

What if you got a freakin' bear high? Albeit inadvertantly, these guys did and had to leave the party and never came back.
What would happen? You'd have one big ol' beast looking for munchies in a bad way, and unfortunately humans look like the best sweet/sour/salty/spicyrefreshing/fulfilling/creamy/crunchy treat to bears when they are high. It is best to get far away from there and not return until the next day. 
Although a high bear wouldn't be able to run fast, and may even try to hug you if it actually caught you. Then it would laugh, and then cry, and then ask you why his ex-girlfriend won't come back between sobs, and probably get hungry again and would eat you unless you had some real munchies near by.

The police apparently reported that "deputies found food containers ripped apart and strewn all over, along with claw marks and bear prints everywhere".

Sounds like Smokey and the Bandits had one hell of a party.

Take two and pass...

Want to go to the happy place?

That is my name for strip clubs - the happy place. You can't go to one and be upset, there's (hopefully) too many good looking women in various stages of nudity to be mad at anything.

You also can't go to one and not expect to leave as rich as when you went in. If not for some companionship, then for the overpriced beer or food (I never would have eaten at a strip club before, but that article makes it seem favorable over most restaurants).

If you enjoyed visiting a happy place, you probably have thought about what it must be like to own one.
Imagine being the GM of your favorite flesh palace and being responsible for running all the auditions, bringing in new entertainers... Sounds like a pretty sweet gig to me.

Well, now you can at least be a partial owner by investing in Rick's Cabaret.
It is a conglomeration of gentlemen's clubs that seem to have some pretty solid understanding of what makes a strip club a profitable business. Insanely, they don't actually think it is because of the naked chicks
. How naive and way too lyingaboutwhatreallyhappenstoimpresspotentialinvestors.

Even a town in rural Georgia wanted to be a strip club owner. Sadly, they only bought the place to burn it to the ground - there must have been a huge blue mushroom cloud and a plethora of released demons and souls when the demolition happened.

I'm off to support my local happy place so such a travesty doesn't have to happen again, and you should do the same. I'll save you seat at the bar, I'm not the pervert's row type of visitor.

Canadian Even In The Face Insanity

Us Canadians have a international reputation (read stereotype) of being nice, well-mannered, clean, cheerful people.

This is not exactly true, but as far as reputations go, it is better than most of them out there - Americans, French, German, and any middle eastern county all seem to have a negative reputation.

Being Canadian myself, I'd like to think that we are generally good people and rightfully deserve the rep we have acquired during our national history.

But every once in awhile, something completely random and completely anti-Canadian happens. Like the beheading of a passenger on a Greyhound bus. WTF was that all about? I think we've all had those thoughts to do something really crazy like that when we are mad (or not), but our internal good/bad switch usually keeps us from commiting any such act. I guess his switch didn't get flipped.

Almost as interesting as the actual event, was the calm demeanor of the RCMP stating it simply as a "major incident". No embellishment of the incident, no week long news media frezny about it. We'd simply like to deal with it and move on to being friendly and neighborly to the entire world.

By the way, they never mentioned if the assailant was Canadian, but it is highly unlikely...


Life in Miami

South beach is awesome, the weather is hot, the women are hotter.
What else can I say? Why would you want to live anywhere else?

Nevermind that English is the second popular language here, or that the price of real estate is stupidly over-valued, and general cost of living is pretty high for such a poor state.

If you can forgo all those things then like a wise man once said, "its all good in the hood, with a big ass bitch."
