I Want My Phone Call

To all my friends heading to Vegas and getting into crazy sh!!, I have this one rule that will save you from the perils of a US jail full of schizos, murderers, thieves and other vermin of society, even though you probably only did something slightly stupid in your superhuman coolness brought on by some liver damaging binge drinking.
Rule 1: Don't say a damn thing to the cops, you stupid drunk idiot.

The police motto is "To serve and protect, unless you say something then you're nailed." That is pretty much the lesson provided by a law professor and can be seen in the video below.

A cops rebuttal follows, but his basic tenant is that if they have you, they probably have the right guy and you are probably screwed no matter what you say.

The only thing that can save you is if you shut your damn pie hole Yoko. At least you'll have time to sober up and have a lawyer do all the negotiating on how little damage to public/private property you actually did.

There is a second rule that I'd like to offer as well.

Rule 2: I wasn't with you. Don't drag the rest of us down with you dude. It's not my fault you can't run as fast, or you can't scale the fence, or you choked the hooker - I wasn't with you, I don't know you, but I will post bail for your punk ass so don't cry. Show them your angry face.

I didn't do anything,
J Dizzle.