Smokey the Bear

I think we all knew of someone who got their dog high while partying with their buddies, and in that "elevated state of mind" laughed their bag off watching the dog run for food and water as much as we ran for munchies.

What if you got a freakin' bear high? Albeit inadvertantly, these guys did and had to leave the party and never came back.
What would happen? You'd have one big ol' beast looking for munchies in a bad way, and unfortunately humans look like the best sweet/sour/salty/spicyrefreshing/fulfilling/creamy/crunchy treat to bears when they are high. It is best to get far away from there and not return until the next day. 
Although a high bear wouldn't be able to run fast, and may even try to hug you if it actually caught you. Then it would laugh, and then cry, and then ask you why his ex-girlfriend won't come back between sobs, and probably get hungry again and would eat you unless you had some real munchies near by.

The police apparently reported that "deputies found food containers ripped apart and strewn all over, along with claw marks and bear prints everywhere".

Sounds like Smokey and the Bandits had one hell of a party.

Take two and pass...


TheDude said...

who of you can honestly say that they have not sparked one up
and gotten your horse high! sure he wonders around and eats the grass and does not take you anywhere you want to go- but its all good!!!!!